I exist between today and tomorrow
like a diver of Delos
and like a bird of Corinth
I keep hiccoughing in my sleep
I look for an atlantis of  human nature that
should it be,  would be over there….

What dream between today and tomorrow
Is still  careful to birth and
what opinions syllabized by time,  the witness,
jostle me and then fall down…
even death has no idea about that
although he knows everything!

  The new religion
We will learn the new religion even much better
than Eliade would teach us/ of course,
part of myself is in that Cathedral, too,
The Francofone spirit of Quebec¾the sea
fallen asleep…The saints baptizing one another
with the water of the Nile and of the Ganges / of the Cris rivers
of our sins…
too tired of so much wondering we would come to You !

We live in a dream as long as we live/ we waste ourselves
even when our voices
do not matter any longer. With each moment that passes
we live a continual painting

The wonders, the clouds and the mist
are apparitions on the slabs of the feelings
in the Halifax Square and in the poet’s world
the Swedish rabbits admire the gentle light

What dream keeps flooding me?
what folly?  

In Montreal
On a dreamlike  hill is the Holy Ghost
on a rainy morning….The sky keeps dripping
and covers me with an alien hand
the people’s drops of sweat have been dripping  for generations

I keep on watching them as if they were some wonders
worthy and beautifully scented. 

I see the address books once again
the wind smothers me and makes a sigh to me
from Cleveland and Buffalo
Mrs. Elena seems to be hidden best behind a mask
In  the luxurious coach that takes us to Niagara…What people and what distances
keep passing  through the sight of mist?

I see the address books
who do you think smiles at me from the photos¾
it’s Mrs. Elena…                            


Traduceri de Olimpia IACOB

