Cassian Maria SPIRIDON





Contrada luminosa

(Tintă luminoasă)

ho visuto in posto collinoso
dove l’acqua non  trova posto
ho  avuto la nostalgia d’un rive
su quale lascia lo sguardo
tutte le vie/ tutti i camini erano
/nessuna viottola percorsa
vicino/ dei spaventati segni
del cielo


Pastello breve

(Pastel scurt)

il volto in velo del crepuscol
sta cercando una fontana
uno grillo/
proffondo è addormentato
come un dio

i mani volti del silenzio/pressono
in ogni momento sarebbe possibile morire
le ondulazioni dei tuoi capelli crescono selvatice
nei suoi fili si nascono serpi

il crepuscolo lava le finestre
                          fino in rosso

Gloria mundi

non dalla prima/non dalla seconda

non dalla terza
ma dal settimo movimento sono venute
con le dita nell’licquido piombo

spaventato il cuore tace
l’erba cresce più veloce
la terra è più molle
preso nelle sudore della notte

l’orologio rimane con i pendoli morti

essere amato
tempo che il dolore  in te non esiste più
la lacrima di pietra è lucida
è sfera/ è uova
            mangione di freddo
in petto pressa  la triste voce




Il regalo delle lagrime

(Haos  sau Darul  lacrimilor)

colpiscemi dai muri della morte
e lasciami/con muto palpito
che io entra
nella triste pace

ammira/in quanto il tempo ti lascia ancora
la federa delle nuvole e l’azzurro dell’ abisso
/ogni uomo ha diritto che pianga/



No mans’land

m’immaginavo che ero in  un posto
ed ero proprio così
m’immaginavo che vivo ancora
ed era proprio così
m’immaginavo che non ho piì l’immaginazione
e non l’avevo piì
rimane  l’anima ed il corpo
                                  con tutto
ma non bastava
nello spazio perforato da lagrime


Sopra  bosco

(Peste padure)

la mia sorella
parola infinita portata su acqua
voce stenica
avendo la radice fondita

gìglio invisibile
vola per nebbia
i bracci diritti del bosco
riuniscono la nebbia
il nudo si straccia  in ramo
la mia sorella piange


La caduta della pietra

(Căderea pietrei)

durante d’una sera/ con un crepuscolo fresco
passavo per alberi  filiformi
cresceva dal dall’ alto del cielo una tristezza incompresa
una tristezza di morte

rifrattato in specchi/ come le foglie cadono

un vento rompeva la faccia dell’acqua
il mano del lago appena si vede ancora


Cassian Maria Spiridon, Întotdeauna ploaia spală esafodul, Botosani, Ed. Axa, 1997

Versiune în limba italiană de Livia MĂRCAN
                             IN AUTUMN/ ÎN TOAMNĂ

The oaks  keep swaying/along  with their high crowns
 come together as if  in a hora
their leaves are still green
in the autumn pious/ as the service held in Churches

in the glade/ among the vigorously twined branches
[the acons drop/ in cadence
                like a call to fighting]
I see the whole sky
like a book wherein the clouds recount

the sun steals into the mysterious places
it gently wisely/ caresses/
the hard flesh of your body
                   in your late teens

but who/ the clouds go on recounting/ is awaiting me
ready to embrace me/
it is the woman of my youth
who brings together/ with each offspring
the tree of our life

we bite off  of youth’s apple/ in turn/
with our live teeth/real
sweet drops a little sour/ as in spring
you find on your hands and on your cheeks


the river/ not for long
 free of barges/and other sailing vessels
rests/ in its sluggish  flow
surrounded by the vulcanic cliffs/ got green
 up to the top/on the crest like the cock’s
on the high slopes/ where the vine
 looks suspended
you all alone and patient/ on the last floor
and I/ here/ on the bank
in the village near the Rhine
I see the pigeons run
 the male quite tempestuously  close behind its female/ step by step
and determined to wish to get nearer
and the female/ without seeing it/ in a hurry
makes ready for the  flight
and suddenly/ stretches out its wings/ flies up
followed/ with the faithfulness that love alone
still knows it/
by the confident male pigeon
that knows to bring good news
a red flower is the heart
 and  beats a cadence that makes sense


the man comes back from his long journey
you/ awaits him in your love boudoir
                                               the receiver
he/ the adventurer
 his boots full of dust and the merciless
of the times
  with his boots on/ the bearer of the arch/
the emperor/ has come in/
from the doorway/ up to the chaste bed
he has laid/ all his body/
 on the love carpet             
                      like an atonement
he wishes/ at least for a moment
                                   suspended for long
to remain collapsed
 fate/ follows him
                 treads as always
 steadily/ with moderation
                comes from very afar
nothing can change her cadence
she knows how long the way is before
whence it began/ when the end is near

 a pleasure craft/ floats swaying on the river/
  heading for the high cliff
  where Loreley delights the fishermen
we are up on deck
where the wind blows us/ I watch
my numerous hairs/ that bend then rise again
on my forearms


I am together with my first love
the girl whose hair is blond greyish
whom/ once/ I made woman
virgin in all/ were we then

we are on the seawall
a pigeon keeps walking all alone
on the high shore
it goes round each of us/ in turn
and steps carefully its eyes small/ round
like two red dots
 with fiery high boots and grey plumage
there are two now/ equally resolute
they step  swinging/ like the sailors
a raven/ near a pigeon
on the same large seawall
the he-bird black and clumsy/old
steps heavily/ indifferent to the people and to the leaves
gentle/ the she-bird that keeps on moving
drives the raven away/ it flaps its wings/tired
flies up gloomily/ crosses the water and the air
and the one left behind does not even look to see
how the horizon/ like a dragon’s mouth/ all in flames/
at sunset/ swallows it

in the room
mushrooms/ not always fit to eat
the horse radish/ the loving cellery
the basil and the solitary 
autumn hemp
the fragrances encircle us/and the thoughts
like an artesian well
the plants and the simple flowers
like those in the garden of  Gethsemane
watch over the couple the world begins with
biting off/of the temptation’s sweet apple

(din Cassian Maria Spiridon, ARIES. Colectia „Dictatură si Scriitură”.
Editura Junimea, Ias, 2004)

Traduceri de Olimpia IACOB


Gęba kurczowa (Gura înclestată)

też będzie dobra
na coś
wczesnym rankiem
zmoknięty do suchej nitki
przygniębiony walkami
z aniolem pustoszycielem
ośmielam sie
spojrzenie podnieść
stawiać czolo
              sznur powieszonego


Testament.Tymczasowy (Testament provizoriu)

pamięci prawo do zapomnienia
pocalunków wszystkich
tylko po jednemu rocznie
każde zapomnienie
będzie gwiazdą-supernową
w konstelacji zniszczenia
(wrócił do nas wałek popiołu
nie wybacza ani miłości
ani śmierci)

zejście po schodam
w ciemności niezliczone
czasami pierś kobieca
zaslania ci usta
na zawsze
oko ściemnia się
od nadużycia

otwarte wszystkie wejścia
na salę istnienia
wejścia poznania i trzeżwości
trwalości i straszliwego światla

wszystko na rzecz


Pieśń bachiczna  (Bahică)

dziesięcioro przykazań
pozbawiam się
tępego wzroku
ograniczenie mnogich
w asfalcie stalowe korzeni
dusza jest rzeczą bezsmiertną

szare jezioro
 błyśnie wśród drzew
znajdę tam
miejsce odpoczynku

do tego czasu
piję szklankę za szklanką
tak będę zapominał
że ból
natrafia na drogę
w ciemnocie też


Po dyluwium   ( După diluviu)

nie wiadomo
czy wstajemy z samego rana

nie wiadomo
gdy i co będziemy mieli na obiad
nie wiadomo
kiedy nas porzuci kochanka
nie wiadomo
kiedy zegarki zatrzymają się

nie wiadomo
czy Arka Noego była dość obszerna
i kiedy
przyleci goląb biały
w ogóle
nie wiadomo
albo jakkolwiek
nic pewnego

nie wiadomo
czy tam w niebiosach
poprawny będzie
                           sąd ostateczny


Nie egzystuje (Nu există)

nie egzystuje
więcej osoby bardziej kłamliwa
niż poeta
nie wierz mu
kiedy on ci powie
przychodzi mu na myśł
drugi wiersz
poważnie traktowany
- bądż pewna -
niż ta solenna deklaracja
[trochę dziwna szerze mówiąc
na ustach poety który
choć trochę się szanuje]
nie powinien nikt mu wierzyć
nie jest on w stanie sebie samego

nie ma zaufania i nadziei
aż do swoich marzeń
wyrzyna ich
oszukuje ich
wypędza ich w poematy
żeby własne życie jego
było pogodne i zaspane
chciałby on być
i często on jest takim
dla innych
dla tych którzy chcą
i gotowi są
wierzyć mu
nie wierzyć mu kiedy
on rycze: boli
cała dusza moja jest okryta ranami
nie wierzyć mu
kłamie jak z nut
i jeszcze ma dowody
 na to
już od dawien dawna
dusza go opuściła
jażń go od dawna jest
w proszku
jak trawa w polu
tylko nie zapomnieć musimy
że nigdy on swoje szaleństwo
nie ukrywa
on rozumie i kłamie

Wiersze wybrane z tomiku PORNIND DE LA ZERO,
 Editura Cartea Românească, 2000.
Tradus din limba română si adaptat: Profesor Alexandru G. SERBAN


