Alexandru-Cristian MILOS
Poèmes physiques
Courant après un rayon de soleil
à Adrien
Courir après un rayon de soleil ce n’est pas seulement de la folie
C’est la jeunesse même
Tâchant de compter les années où on l’attrapera
A partir de ce jeu un peu enfantin
Einstein-même est devenu plus mûr?!
Il a commencé a Théoriser
La Theorie de la Rélativité Restreinte
Connaissait-il quand il a commencé sa course
Les re-restrictions s’ensuivront et le Relatif qu’il est devenu?
La coupe de la lumière
Je prononce des mots
Je coupe la Lumière
Avec un couteau à couper les photons
Avec un couteau de l’Amour
La Lumière sera toujours jaune ou blanche peut-être
Ou au contraire sous le fer de la sagesse
Des étoiles jailliront –
Un rayon ultra-violet et une paire de rayons rouges
L’Amour est toujours à la recherche de son pair
Personnalité perdue
Faisons sonner pour les péchés du monde du XX-ème sieclè
Quelques cloches…
Si on les met et on les fait sonner séparément-chacune garde
Son son – sa personnalité – son message – sa musique – sa haute vibration
Mais alignées et entassées comme dans une Armée de Cloches
Elles s’envient les unes les autres – se perturbent
Jusqu’à la perte du son original – du son de cloche
Jusqu’à – „beaucoup de bruit pour rien”
Perte de Personnalité
Y-a-t-il quelque chose de plus triste qu’une cloche muette?!
Sans Science?!
On projette les cloches et on les construit selon
Le Savoir – le raison et l’âme des gens
Lutter contre la perte de la personnalité humaine
Me semble prendre une solution pour une autre Salutaire
A la Solitude d’Adam!
Les Tempt de la Babylone Bleue sont proches
Les Peuples des Etoiles nour appellent et nous rappellent par notre nom
Traduceri de Florin AVRAM
Running After a Sunbeam
It is not only a craziness to run
after a sunbeam
It is even youth! Trying to calculate
the years till you’ll touch it!
From this childish game, Einstein
became mature… He began to make
theories. The limited Relativity Theory.
Did he presume the next limits,
and his own Relative?
Planetary Poems (fragments)
(…) Planet of the easy flight
running from the hourglass! Hot planet
from so much solar love! Elliptic Way,
you have a lightened face,
burning like a myth! (…)
Venus’ citadel is almost always
covered by clouds. Is doesn’t rain
there, however. So I wrote: You
are the Planet of Love, (…)
the clouds’ call took me towards you.
Our second Sun; in the evening, or
at dawn, you seem to be the twin
brother of the Earth. Too hot for
hiding us in your belly,
a hot house effect of circumstances (…)
O, Earthlings, how is seen your planet
from space? Blue, and the fifth
at the dimension… Carrying the Moon
at your lapel. Happy planet of
the water flowing fertile, living,
thirst and satiety (…)
I ask you, Red Planet, why is my
human face of Sphinx on your surface?
And the Pyramids – rest houses for
astronauts –, are they signs of our
relationship? (…) Under wise stars,
under the free stars’ religion I am
in late with my life. You,
fascinating me with red storms of
dust and silence! Our days are
equal, only the years a little
different! Phobos and Deimos –
worked rings, turning around you.
Olympus – a mountain of 25 km –
gives you honey and volcano. (…)
Stones and dust, all in red, and
the red sky, so much red love.
But somewhere, the living water,
repeating conscientious the
Cosmic Life Alphabet under
polar calottes (…)
(…) He can deviate comets with
his power, remember it, and is
overrun with violent electric storms
moving his hair in his own icy
atmosphere. More pot-bellied than
the Earth, dressed in Hg and He,
Io and Europe accompany him,
and also other satellites. A
narrow ring surrounds him, and
the Big Red Spot – like a
rapid earthly cyclone – in the South.
(…) You are my Ideal Giant! (…)
(…) The spectacular Floating Planet
with magnificent rings. If I put you
into an astral tub with cosmic
water, you would float (…)
Nourished by Methane, life on
Titan would be alluring (…)
Thinking at your rings, you
would be the Geometricians’ House,
initiated from the Sun. (…) Your
disk appears like a dilemma.
Telescopically, from the earthly
house, you would be a
reference point among
the white Suns.
11 rings you received at
the cosmic wedding. (…) Eating
Methane, you breathe! High
mountains and abysses draw nearer
images from you to me (…)
Your flying orbit discovered
Neptune – masked by time and clouds!
(…) A big dark spot is your Distinction!
Flight and gift! Triton as a Moon, and
Nereid accompany your intense
blue orbit. (…) My question:
Who is Triton? Independent
heavenly body, captured after wards?
He has a reverse rotation!
With icy lakes. A lonely rebel? (…)
(…) I know too little about you,
which disturb Neptune. You are
the last born child of the solar
family, covered by the sincere icy
Methane. Eccentric and singular
planet on the orbit! (…) Your
single satellite, Charon, is bigger
than you. What does he want from
you? I think we have he want things
to debate (…)
Traduceri de Andrei GHEORGHE